I'm not sure where to put this but we may be on a path towards destruction and it looks like there are people that are deliberately pushing us in that direction.
There have been a lot of people ready to hit the streets and protest if Mueller gets fired (the rapid response plan). Trump knew this when he spoke to religious leaders in August (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/28/donald-trump-midterms-private-meeting-church-antifa). He's also been pushing the "democrats bring mobs" rhetoric.
I have a religious family member who has shared links of pastors that suggest that Trump has given a prophecy.
All Trump had to do was fire Jeff Sessions, conveniently the day after the mid-terms, and now there's probably thousands of shills working over time ready to prove him right.
Trump looks guilty and if he's going to try and massacre the justice system that is coming for him, the protests are going to happen.
I think the troll factory agenda is to get people to act violently while doing this.
People are already riled up to a very high level.
This looks like an act of desperation and it could fall apart if we shine a light on it before it happens. At the same time, there is a cult-like following that are going to make him out to be some prophet and fanatical religious people can do the worst things.
(I'm not sure if this is witch hunt related but I think it's relevant. I'll leave details out, but if people look through my comment history to see those details, please let me know if that's against the rules and I'll edit out this portion of the post) Yesterday, I got banned from a subreddit that is against the alt-right. An admin posted this comment with a post:
"With the Dems taking the House, I see that the Russian Cyber-Interference operatives have given marching orders to the trumpjugend and activated their own hordes of alt-accounts to mobilize and spread “civility” and “cooperation” propaganda now that their divisive con-man cult-leader is in danger of being held accountable for his crimes and the debasement of his office. Such concern trolling and nonsense here will only be removed and the accounts will be banned.
(one of the comments further down said, "Yea, fuck civility and cooperation")
Uh... like, isn't the rule "be civil" usually number 1 in every subreddit? This bothered me because I've been worried about admins "taking over" subreddits and cultivating the users to fit the narrative they want(like in TD).
I had to put my thoughts out there and commented this:
... but what about honest people that promote civility and cooperation?Religious leaders were told by Trump that the left would react violently after the mid terms.I think it's also likely that trolls are trying to incite incivility just to make Trump out to be some prophet.What proof do you have that trolls are trying to "encourage civility" and why would you think that would help their cause anyway?People cooperating is going to cause congress to look the other way?
Banned, muted from contacting admins, and post shut down.
what the fuck is up with that?
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